Integrated Storytelling to be Part of the MBA program curriculum at the University of Tartu Pärnu College
AdventureLAB’s Integrated Storytelling principles will soon become a part of a higher education study course. In 2020, the theories and practices will become available to the students of the Service Design and Management MBA programme at the University of Tartu Pärnu College in Estonia.
AdventureLAB has been applying these principles for several years while working in the themed entertainment and experience industry and will now share these methodologies at an official, MBA-level of education. This step is significant to the development of Integrated Storytelling as a strategic tool in designing customer experiences. Advancing it to this level of education proves the necessity of this knowledge among the industry representatives. Soon, there will be a new generation of professionals with Integrated Storytelling as a part of their skill set.
From the Facebook page of Tartu Ülikooli Pärnu kolledž
The implementation of the course is currently in progress, and a whole year of preparations is ahead. Both AdventureLAB and the University of Tartu Pärnu College are working on building the theoretical approach that will work best for the students.
To kick-start the course, in October 2020, AdventureLAB CEO & Founder Klaus Sommer Paulsen will present a keynote presentation about the future of Integrated Storytelling at the annual PlayDay conference hosted by the University of Tartu Pärnu College. PlayDay is a service design and gamification conference that aims to bring together entrepreneurs, HRM and marketing specialists and designers from different fields.

Announcement at Playday 2019
AdventureLAB has been sharing the theoretical and practical applications of Integrated Storytelling principles through masterclasses and workshops around the world and will continue to do so. Any related industry should be ready for the changes to come in themed customer experience design and the role that storytelling is shaping for itself in the 21st century.
For further information about Integrated Storytelling, contact us.
To read more about our Integrated Storytelling MasterClasses, click here.
To learn more about the University of Tartu Pärnu College, visit their official website.